#poison fairy and grass are my faves
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i refuse to actually choose a favorite pokemon so i put my top 6 in the team section on the bottom left. deino is first on account of being my first fave ever (you can make one here) (inspired by)
i had the easiest time choosing faves in gen 5 and 7
i figured out my most common typings by counting per gen the types of pokemon i instantly knew would be on the favorites list (repeats, pre evos/evos, and gen faves were automatic +1s) AND THERE'S GHOST TYPE WITH A STEEL CHAIR???? i was expecting grass or flying and then it snuck up on me
ghost: 31
flying & psychic: 26
grass: 24
dragon: 22
fairy: 19
dark: 18
fire & electric: 17
normal: 15
bug: 14
poison: 13
ground & fighting: 11
ice & steel: 10
water & rock: 6
most repeated pokemon:
alolan raichu: 6
venusaur: 5
hisuan typhlosion & archeops: 4
you can literally see my tastes in faves and legendaries change over time lmao
green dinosaur
living cloud
the ominous creature
blue flying thing
i clearly prefer grass starters. this is because i am based
primarina may be the only water starter here but it singlehandedly makes more of an impact than most of my fire starter faves. such is its power. those fire starters are all carried by its other typing
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hello beloved mutual <3 hmm if you’re interested in a pokemon question: what are your favorite pokemon for each of the types. (Bonus challenge if you dare! Pick only solo-types!)
No pressure to answer. i hope work goes by smoothly for you <3
Sure! I'll even do the bonus challenge, I'm realizing now how many of my faves are dual types lol
Normal: Snorlax
Fire: Cinderace
Water: Vaporeon
Electric: Raichu
Grass: Treecko
Ice: Eiscue
Fighting: Falinks
Poison: Koffing
Ground: Phanpy
Flying: is there even a pure Flying type?? I literally cannot think of one
Psychic: Hattrem
Bug: fuck uh... so many Bug type are dual types too uuuuh idk. Kricketune cause the cry is funny
Rock: Midnight form Lycanroc
Ghost: Greavard
Dragon: Goodra
Dark: Poochyena? Idk again too many are dual types
Steel: Registeel
Fairy: Alcremie
Man that was hard lmao
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hello hello. i dont know if you're into pokemon but I started playing Violet the other day and I tend to nickname my pokemon after whatever my current hyperfixation is so ofc right now they're getting mysme nicknames (right now my charcadet is (suit) Saeran (gonna evolve into ceruledge), my kirlia is Ray (gonna evolve into gardevior). i plan to catch a sneasel/weavile for unknown (totally didnt get the idea from an art i saw). Trying to pick something for saeyoung but nothing has felt right yet. an electric type? fire? maybe a dog pokemon bc with his loved ones saeyoung is both an excited puppy AND a guard dog)
ANYWAY so I started wondering about everyone's favorite twins and pokemon
What kind of pokemon do you think saeyoung and the various saerans would have? what would they be if they WERE pokemon? in a canon setting would they play pokemon?
i can see saeyoung with fire/steel/electric types, especially robot- or machine-like pokemon. ray/ge saeran with grass types is obvious, but I can also see him with fairy types. theyre deceptively cute but can mess you up. suit and unknown scream dark type teams. maybe some poison types for unknown. like i think he'd have team rocket/[insert region team] grunt-esque pokemon.
saeyoung and all of the saeran's have at least one pokemon (probably their first/partner) that they found abandoned and in bad shape that they took in and it decided to stay with them after it recovered.
maybe they have an espeon (saeyoung) and an umbreon (saeran) to complement their "we're opposites but in a balanced and complimentary way" vibe.
and also bc i must inflict this on all my faves who are convinced they're bad and unlovable: at least one pokemon on their team evolves with high friendship/affection. even better if for some reason he doesn't know what causes that pokemon to evolve and he maybe cries a little when he finds out. what do you mean he's LOVED??
ANYWAY sorry for the really long ramble haha. this was supposed to be a short ask but it kinda got away from me 😅 anyway, i hope you have a good day!! i love your writing and character analyses!!
Oh, you've come to the right person today, because I spend my time stressing out over what Pokemon I would use on their teams if I ever wrote a story for it. I've done this a few times before but I can never really make my mind up so I wouldn't say that this is a concrete idea. So, here is a slider I would use for Ray > Suit Saeran > GE Saeran. I think some of it is self-explanatory. I suggest dark, ghost, and grass if anything.
Phantump for a Ray who feels lost and dead to the world. Polteageist for his desire to feel like a prince in his haunted castle. Budew for a boy who can't be fully blossomed just yet... but, he's so close to that chance. Suit Saeran would only use one Pokemon in my mind and it's Banette. A Pokemon that happens to be seeking revenge in the same way he is. It might seem like a major stretch but mega evolution seems incredibly possible in this situation.
Shaymin is the Pokemon of gratitude and I feel like it would appear in the garden when he is in the process of thanking you for being there with him as he finally freed himself from his heavy chains. He and Saeyoung do have a set of Eevee together! I feel like they need to have a matched set, and his Eevee has been tucked away in their pokeball for a while until he realized the error of his ways.
Whereas, Saeyoung is always really tough to work with because there's so many different Pokemon that would work for him symbolically. Sure, we can pick some joke options if we want to do so, but I'm trying to imagine what would work for his work in the agency. Did they give him a team or is it a team he's caught himself?
In the end I just decided to give him a team that he crafted. He deserves to have a cat that shoots fireballs from its mouth. Of course, I don't imagine that'll end well for him since the cat likely gives him a free haircut everyday with burnt edges. Rotom is the given. Everybody who's ever drawn him with the Pokemon always gives him Rotom. It's right. Three heads are better than one! Magneton helps to hack and unlock problems!
His Eevee doesn't battle. It's kept safe in his bunker, or it's Pokeball. He hates to make Eevee sad about not seeing its own twin or Saeran. Magearna makes sense to me, because what is more in character for him than to discover this mechanical Pokemon and help bring it back to life? Minior for the stars! It's either that or Clefairy. I couldn't make up my mind but in the end I decided on stars.
Which brings me to Unknown and SE Saeran. Yeah, SE Saeran will receive that Megearna as a gift from his brother. His Porygon-Z likely was released after Mint Eye was taken down, or it's still in the box for now since that was likely his main partner for being able to hack into the RFA. Mimikyu and Banette are self-explanatory. Budew would be a new addition in his time spent trying to enjoy the clouds and grass! Milcery is a surprise, though! I have a feeling that is a companion he made one afternoon that tried to sample his ice cream and now he's got a friend that helps him craft his own ice cream.
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Can you go into more details on the allingment system type of deal with Pathways?
Well, to explain certain actions change your character's "Aura"/"Alignment".
For example, you have a nightmare at the beginning, and you can either check on a loved one (Good), swear vengeance (Evil), or question what is happening.
Your Aura determines what Role/Class you can have, certain story beats, certain benefits from the Friend/Bond system, and finally what set of starter Pokemon you can get.
Starters depend on your Aura and your character's highest personal stat (ex, Intlligence, Charm, etc.). For example, my fave Mimikyu is a Dark Aura exclusive starter and requires a stat tie (so two or more stats are simultaneously the highest), in order to get. You don't get to pick your starter iirc, it's automatically chosen FOR you based on Aura and Character Stats.
Next influence is the Role/Job/Class system, as most if not all Roles are tied to the Good/Neutral/Evil Alignment. These roles give benefits to at minimum three different Pokemon types. So for example, one Role gives bonuses to Ghost/Psychic/Dark, and another gives bonuses to Grass/Fairy/Fire.
The bad thing is, is that certain types are HEAVILY tied to specific alignments. You want to be good aligned? Good luck! Hope you don't like Ghost/Dark/Poison types! Want to be a Fairy type specialist? Hope you didn't want any of the Evil Alignment roles!
Admittedly the game is still in its Alpha stage, but I really don't think it was a good decision to have a system that encouraged heavily limiting a player's most optimal options like that.
IMO if I were doing it I wouldn't let the roles/alignments be tied to specific types, or at the very least I'd want the roles to be more broad. For example, ANY alignment being able to pick up the Spirit Medium class, but it branches off into different roles as you rank up depending on your alignment:
So a Good Spirit Medium becomes a Kannushi/Shrine Maiden, a Neutral Spirit Medium becomes a Ghost Hunter, and an Evil Spirit Medium becomes a Necromancer. Or something like that is how I'd change it imo.
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Pokémon Faves
I'm fixating a bit on Pokémon again, replaying Shield. In attune with that, I'm gonna tell you my faves from every typing!
Sobble // Drizzle // Inteleon
Wooper // Quagsire
Tatsugiri (all forms)
"Chub"chu (chubby fat Pikachu)
Yamper // Boltund
Toxicitry (Low Key Form)
Bulbasaur // Ivysaur // Venusaur // Mega Venusaur // Giganatmax
Formantis // Lurantis
Cottonee // Whimsicott
Smoliv // Dolliv
Growlithe // Arcanine
Cyndaquil // Quilava // Typhlosion
Litten // Torracat
Scorbunny // Raboot
Alolan Marowak
Paldean Wooper // Paldean Quagsire
Stunky // Skuntank
Mareanie // Toxapex
Galarian Ponyta // Galarian Rapidash
Alolan Rattata
Galarian Zigzagoon // Galarian Linoon // Obstagoon
Galarian Meowth // Perrserker
Mienfoo // Mienshao
Munna // Marsharna
Hatenna // Hatrem // Hatterene // Mega Hatterene
Alolan Vulpix
Alolan Sandshrew
Snom // Frosmoth
Amaura // Aurorus
Burmy (all forms)
Sewaddle // Swadloon
Cutiefly // Ribombee
Dratini // Dragonair
Zygarde (10% Form)
Bosnly // Sudowoodo
Rockruff // Lycanroc (all forms)
Hisuian Growlithe // Arcanine
Sandshrew // Sandslash
Diglett // Dugtrio
Cubone // Marowak
Meowth // Persian // Gigantamax Meowth
Eevee // Gigantamax Eevee
Zigzagoon // Linoon
Skitty // Delacatty
Buneary // Lopunny // Mega Lopunny
Snorlax // Munchlax
Lilipup // Herdier
Minccino // Cinccino
Wooloo // Dubwool
Lechonk // Oinkolonge
Tandemaus // Maushold
Hisuian Zorua // Zoroark
#pokemon#water type#electric type#fire type#grass type#steel type#flying type#dark type#fairy type#ice type#ground type#rock type#psychic type#dragon type#ghost type#poison type#fighting type#bug type#normal type
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What is your favorite three pokemon type. Your favorite pokemon of each of them and if they're different your favorite of pokemon in those type combos. I.e fave grass/poison, grass/ dark, dark/ poison.
My 3 favorite types are Fairy, Ghost (my gym leader type of choice), and the third one varies but probably dark.
My favorite fairy and ghost are the same pokemon and my fav of all time Mimikyu (was hardcore squirtle for sososososo long, but Mimikyu shadow snuck it's way into my heart) my favorite fairy that isn't Mimikyu is probably Sylveon, and my favorite ghost that isn't Mimikyu is Chandelure or Sabeleye, and my favorite dark type is Absol.
My fave ghost dark is Sabeleye obvi, fave dark fairy is, well, a pretty limited choice since it's only the Grimmsnarl line, but I have a certain fondness for those freaky lil guys.
Thanks for the ask!!!
Send me more assumptions you have about me!!! Or questions, or stuff I can infodump about or any horny stuff
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now im not going to pretend to know anything about pokemon but. This Guy? hes real good
bonus: team below
i liked...these guys..they have cute deadly energy
#my faves are .. uh its broad but#i like.. ghost/fairy/poison types#and those mixed with grass#this guy is ghost grass i think#trevenant#yes!#i love trevenant#thats him! thats my boy!#im gonna get pokemon just for him#whiihc..game is he in thgats the olne that i want.#pokemon#pkmn#my nyart#idk#mostly im just#.wanted to draw him#hate the stupid lookin diaper mushroom guy though#but i love him#and..bulbasaur is who id choose >:^)
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Pokémon I would Give to La Squadra
finally a new post! i thought about this way too much to not make a post about it so here goes. honestly there is no logic or thought behind this post. i see a pokémon that reminds me of one of the guys, i assign them that pokémon and this was my only thought process the whole time lmao enjoy (also i’m so sorry for how low effort this post is. i made it when i was bored on vacation and couldn’t stop thinking about the idea)
୨ ╭ ୨୧ ✦ ︶꒷꒦・⎯⎯・⎯⎯・₊ˎ✧๑

i think picturing him with a pokémon like houndoom or poochyena is very cute (or maybe i’m just biased bc houndoom is one of my favourite pokémon)
also i think he would use dark types a lot
i already picked his pokémon before i even thought about this but honestly i think he would like steel types too. i definitely could imagine him having a steelix or something (again one of my faves so i’m biased lmao)

sorry but tangela just looks like it was made to be ghiaccio’s pokémon like hello??
definitely a big fan of ice types
it’s so cute picturing him with a vanillish omg 😭😭

i think he would use fire and fighting types a lot so i tried to stick with that theme as i picked out his pokémon
him having a little pancham would be so cute!
i had too many ideas for pokémon that would suit him but not enough spaces 😭

honestly probably the least thought went into finding his pokémon. i knew i wanted to give him inteleon and also mudkip because i’ve been trying to give all the guys at least one of my favourite pokémon and i just had to get mudkip in here 😭
water type fan i guess?
and he’d look elegant with a ninetails for sure
okay actually he would probably suit some poison type pokémon too i might make a part 2 for this post

mostly ghost and psychic types i think
yes i gave him sneasel purely bc it’s my second favourite pokémon after mudkip lmao (and haunter whoops)
and espeon fits him perfectly in my opinion omg

small grass types 100%
he would love having smaller pokémon to cuddle or something. i know i would lmao
also i dunno something about oddish and lotad just made me think of pesci pls don’t ask why. head empty no thoughts
also i think bug types would work for him even though i didn’t include any but again, i might make a part 2 for this post

for him i thought fairy types and some kind of elegant pokémon like gardevoir
i had never heard of the pokémon primarina but when i saw it i thought it suited him lmao
also i gave him ditto because i thought that would be cute ahhh
bonus Sorbet and Gelato because i always leave them out and i feel bad:

sorry i made them share a team but they probably would anyway
mostly ground and normal type pokémon for these guys i think
would probably cherish their pokémon like their were their children tbh
#jjba headcanons#jjba la squadra#jjba prosciutto#jojo la squadra#la squadra headcanons#prosciutto#formaggio#ghiaccio#illuso#jjba formaggio#jjba melone#melone#jjba risotto#risotto#risotto nero#la squadra hc#jjba hcs#jojo hcs
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Honestly all the Pokemons lol
Alrighty then!
1. Favorite Type?
A strong tie between Dragon-Types and Electric-Types! As a general rule I think all the Dragon-Types are near-perfect, but I love a lot of Electric-Types too!
2. First starter you ever had?
Totodile! My first game was Soulsilver. For the life of me I can’t remember what I named him, though. Britts, I think? The name of a donut shop at the beach I loved when I was a kid.
3. If you could choose to live in any town in any region, which would it be?
Somewhere in Galar… maybe Ballonlea? The whole ‘glowing forest’ thing is really cool!
4. Name a favorite from each type!
Off the top of my head:
Normal: Purugly
Fire: Hisuan Arcanine
Water: Tatsuguri
Grass: Serperior or Sprigatito
Flying: Dartrix
Fighting: Luxray
Poison: Seviper
Electric: Luxray
Ground: Krookodile
Rock: Tyrantrum
Psychic: Espathra
Ice: Chien-Pao
Bug: Volcarona or Centiscorch
Ghost: Girantina (Altered Forme)
Steel: Corviknight
Dragon: Garchomp
Dark: Honchkrow
Fairy: Sylveon
5. Pokémon you dislike the most?
Diglett. Arena Trap is annoying as hell, LET ME LEAVE THE BATTLE.
6. Favorite legendary?
A tie between Reshiram, Miraidon, and Girantina!
7. Which generation/ region is most special to you?
I'm very fond of Soulsilver-era Johto, but I'd say Galar! That region was the first time I looked at the game I was playing and thought "Wow, I can really see how someone would want to, and could, be a Pokemon trainer." Framing it as similar to sports was a great move, and the characters were really fun!
8.Name a favorite Pokemon from each of the generations.
(of those I haven't mentioned before:) Persian, Arbok, Sceptile, Drapion, Eelektross, Pumpkaboo, Lurantis, Theivul, and Kilowattrel!
10. What future eeveelution type do you hope for?
I'd love to see how they'd pull off a Bug-Type eeveelution, tbh. Maybe based off a bee or something?
11. Favorite gym leader?
Ohh, this is hard... either Drayden or Kabu!
12. Favorite “roaming” Pokemon?
13. What do you think the next generation of game should be called?
I thought about this for several minutes and the only thing my brain came up with was 'Pokemon Storm' and 'Pokemon Surge', so do with that what you will!
15. If you could have any 6 Pokemon in your party, what would they be?
Shinx (the obligate 'cute' one)
16. Which game is your most favorite?
At the moment I'm gonna have to say Violet. The plot + characters are very strong in my opinion, I was very invested in the story and teared up at a few points. Also Meowscarada, Miraidon, and Tatsugiri's existence alone make it a fave.
17. Which game is your least favorite?
Moon. Never finished it and I'll probably sell it soon, so someone else can enjoy it. Legends: Arceus also quickly became stale to me, though I can see why some like it!
18. If you could create a new Pokemon type, what would it be?
Perhaps something based on sound?
19. Name your favorite thing about each game generation.
I can't say anything about the early gens, unfortunately. For Gen IV, the dual regions in SS/HG was neat, Gen V had beautiful environments in the pixel style (Chargestone Cave was really neat) + Team Plasma's battle theme, Gen VI had Professor Sycamore, Gen VII had Team Skull who I adore, and Gen VIII had Champion Leon! As for the newest gen, befriending your box legendary as you go is really fun, lol.
20. Favorite hold item and why?
Black Glasses just because its so, so funny to picture. Practicality-wise, Shell Bell!
21. Favorite TM?
Shadow Ball!
22. Favorite HM?
24. Which professor is your favorite?
Professor Sycamore (also Professor Turo, in a way, for reasons I will not specify cause spoilers)
#there we are! the other three were asked elsewhere so i'll answer them separately!#asks#thanks for the ask friend!
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Getting to know the Grove
So we’ve decided to make a series of posts where we talk about ourselves. We are going to start with our top 3 favorite pokemon types. We aren't gonna talk about our favorite pokemon because the new game will be out in a couple of months. And kind of wanna save that for once we know the new pokemon.
Roxy- Alright so my favorite types are Ice, Fighting, and either Grass or steel for the third. This is mainly for asthethic reasons, I love knights and heroes and so fighting and steel are great representation of like knights and warriors. Ice and grass reflect my love of nature and especially forests in winter. Oddly enough my current t favorite pokemon is none of these typings. But you will have to wait or guess.
Abayomi- Ground, Ghost and Bugs are my favorite. That being said Psychic and rock may also be up there. This Is quite hard.
Princess- MY favorites types are Dragon and Bug. Ìf I had to pick a third maybe fairy, or ground, or poison, or fire. Listen the rest of the typing are neat okay but dragons and bugs is where it's at. EDIT: I FORGOT TO CONSIDER WATER TYPES. I FREAKING LOVE WATER TYPES
Powder: My favorites types are Poison, Dark, and Fire!!!!!!!! Electric and steel are close contenders.
Rosie: Fairy, Grass, and Water are my favorite types. They are also Fae-faes favorites.
Eliwood: Fairy, Fighting, Psychic. Grass is up there because my current favorite pokemon is Grass buuuuuut the others have more that I am interested I over all.
Mima: Normal and fairy types are my fave. But I'll also add that any pokemon that has a food theme would be on the list of favorites and that probably has more to do with my faves then typing.
Hecate: psychic, Dark, ghost.
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I can not choose between fairy and poison… this is just something to be accepted. My fave starter type… I just choose by the Pokémon’s gender presentation. so usually grass. Fave Pokémon. Gardevoir. I think we would be friends. This is avani btw this is an anon bc I’m wearing a hat right now
^ woman moment
#ask#ordeal#anonymous#are the grass types girls... the only like gendered grass types i can think of is like. chikorita chewsday and thats only bc of the flower (#girl trait)
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Here's the first page of my field journal! A quick lil key to different symbols I use within my journal!
I feel the types are fairly self explanatory! One symbol for the 18 types: Bug, Dark, Dragon, Electric, Fairy, Fighting, Fire, Flying, Ghost, Grass, Ground, Ice, Normal, Poison, Psychic, Rock, Steel and Water!
The next bit is a personal danger rating, where I have a scale of 5 different danger ratings. These go as: Safe, Mostly Safe, Caution, Mostly Dangerous and Dangerous. This is a personal scale rating and I certainly know Victor and Izek have different scales they use!
And finally a personal rating scale! This ones a bit more complicated because I don't really dislike any pokemon! The "lowest" rating is that its more Izek's style, which isn't even a bad thing? Just different tastes! The rest are kinda memey with the 2nd lowest rating being "good", then "must Protec" then "babey" and finally "fave". Not so much a scale as just how I view the pokemon in question!
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Finished Fake Pokemon Starter Designs
Finally finished up all of the fake designs for all three lines of my fake pokemon Starters, under the cut will be all of the pictures and names and typings so to not make a huge ass post
Feel free to comment on which line you’d pick I am pretty curious about that, I still find it hard to pick but the lil water starter has a special place in my heart <3
The connecting theme between the three is my favorite subject: Astrology/Zodiacs, with each line representing an elemental animal from three different forms of astrological zodiacs (I know its already a theme for Fire to take on a Chinese Zodiac specifically, but my fire starter follows this pattern and then also takes on a pattern from another zodiac, so it doubles on up on that)
1 Herbun - Pure Grass
2 Rabloom - Grass/Fairy
3 - Aloeharea - Grass/Fairy
This line of Pokemon is based on Asian zodiacs giving Rabbits a Wood Element, the pun “Aloevera+Hare” and the fact that I thought it was real cute for a floppy eared bunny starter to have ears that look like Aloe Vera’s, but there is also a plant called Rabbits Ears, which the leaves also look like more shimmery silver leaves in the shape of rabbit ears. Why they are a fairy type is really because in myth rabbits are often trickster figures, and most myths involving fae also involves some element of trickery, plus their very pink and flowery appearance lends well to a fairy alignment. They may look cute, but the oldest of the group is specifically a hunter that lies in wait of prey who thinks its merely some sort of odd bush, the watermelony stripes on it’s back become very tiger-esque in that sense. Oh, also to follow the regular Grass Starter pattern of them mostly being based on dinosaur-or-from-that-era creatures, Biggest evo is based on the Nuralagux Rex.
1 - Slubble - Pure Water
2 - Dewhelk - Water/Poison
3 - Nautidal - Water/Poison
This line is based off of a animal that appears in some Maya astrology, The Snail, which is apparently a symbol of both water and the concept of Zero. As is the “pattern” with water starts, the weapon associated with these guys are the poisonous shell harpoons it can shoot in its older forms. This line takes a lot of inspiration from Slugs, Cone Snails and Hermit Crabs being kind of a combo of the three as it grows. Slubble is also kind of my personal fave ngl, its really hard for me to choose because I have a favorite evo in each line, but Slubble is my fave of the little guys.
1 - Kidling - Pure Fire
2 - Billaze - Fire/Steel
3 - Flaries - Fire/Steel
This line is based off of Sheep being an unused Fire Starter variant of the Chinese Zodiac as is the pattern for fire starters, but it’s also chosen because in western Zodiacs, Aries if the Fire Goat. This is all mixed with the pun idea of “Steel Wool” and steel causing fire sparks, the silver metal bits are more obviously metallic, but as the pokemon gets older/evolves, it’s wool becomes less curly and greyish-clack Iron and becomes more sharp, jagged and rusted Steel taking on a redder color.
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Since undertale and deltarune characters are tied to elemental powers sometimes but it isnt obvious, heres what types i hc my fave deltatale characters if they were pokemon! Im not going on the wiki today so im just gonna do the characters i remember in the order i remember them but roughly following the areas of the game
frisk, chara - normal
Toriel, asgore - fire
Napstablook - ghost, duh!
Froggit - grass type
Flowey - grass-ghost
Sans - now this is a bold claim but i think the combo of bone attacks and gaster blasters begs for dark type (or normal-dark)
Papyrus is normal-ice or fighting-ice to me (and so are all the snowdin dog characters)
Undyne is water-fighting, definetaly!!!
Monster kid could be lvl 1 anything. Maybe hes a dragon type lol idk. Love him
Onionsan - water
Temmie - fairy!
Gerson - water-ground or water-rock
Alphys - normal type. Maybe theyd make her normal-steel if she actually needed to attack cause shed use some sciency fighting machines. Mayyybe she could be a normal-dragon just bc shes a dinosaur and thats the closest shell ever be to something cool (you need to understand that im dissing her affectionately and with the intention of romanticizing her flaws)
Happstablook - ghost-fairy
Mettaton - ghost-steel
Mettaton ex/neo - could be steel-electric but uses fairy type moves also or steel-fairy but uses his electric type moves (hes very complex you wouldnt understand😔)
Amalgamates - ghost
Muffet - bug
Majick or how u spell that - psychic
Snowdin snowman - ice
Uhhh that might be all of them? Except the non-boss enemies that i never memorised bc theyre filler to me. Onto deltarune!!
Kris normal
Susie dragon!!! Possibly dragon fighting or dragon dark she gets to choose bc shes my special little herbo lesbian punk bully
Ralsei, Lancer, king, seam, clover - dark
Jevil - psychic-dark
Noelle - ice
Berdly - flying
Queen - Poison-electric
Spamton - dark-psychic (that might become a common vibe with the secret bosses)
Rebels - steel
Swatchlings - fighting-fairy (or fire-ice depends on how u interpret them)
All the reoccuring characters stay the same except if they were single type like toriel and asgore, they get normal bc they live in a society now
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kyogre and luvdisc for the pokemon ask game?
Luvdisc: do you ship anything?
The answer is yes because I love romance and writing different relationship dynamics, but that comes with a caveat. Having grown up on the Internet, I’m pretty much put off by anyone who thinks being a shipper is a part of their identity or thinks every ship is perfectly valid. Some of y’all are very gross!
Kyogre: Who is your favourite Pokemon of each type?
Grass: Decidueye
Fire: Lampent
Water: Mudkip
Normal: Castform
Electric: Rotom
Psychic: Deoxys
Fighting: Falinks
Rock: Rolycoly
Ground: Sandygast
Flying: Minior
Bug: Shedninja
Poison: Gengar (wearing my Gengar shirt today actually :>)
Dark: Sableye
Ghost: Trevenant
Ice: Eiscue
Steel: Honedge
Dragon: Dragapult
Fairy: Shiinotic (close fave is Mimikyu as well)
As you can see, I love Ghost types
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I dont know the numbers but: Favourite of each type :3
My favourite types are (in order) Ground, Grass, Normal, and Poison and oh boy is it obvious lmaoo
Also you can tell I'm an Alola fan huh
Normal- Linoone <3 there are no bad Normal types (runner up: Bewear, Pyroar)
Fire- Quilava (runner up: Torracat)
Water- Floatzel, pretty much all Alola and Galar Water types
Electric- very good type but uhh Ampharos (runner up: Pikachu line, Electabuzz, Heliolisk)
Grass- Venusaur!! (runner up: all of them grass is >>> but also Sceptile)
Ice- Lapras (runner up: Sneasel, Mamoswine, Alolan Ninetales)
Fighting- Gallade (runner up: Breloom, Bewear, Lucario)
Poison- EXTREMELY good type I can't pick but especially Toxtricity
Ground- Sandslash my BELOVED this is my fave typing so everything in here is good
Flying- Pidgeot (runner up: Staraptor)
Psychic- Alolan Raichu (runner up: Slowpoke, Girafarig)
Bug- Vikavolt (runner up: all Alolan Bugs, also Scolipede, Beedrill)
Rock- the most unnecessary type, shares many mons with Ground so Lycanroc! (runner up: Tyrantrum, Drednaw)
Ghost- Alolan Marowak (runner up: Gengar, Phantump, Mimikyu)
Dragon- Noivern (runner up: Dragonair)
Dark- Murkrow (runner up: I like almost all of them, except the Impidimp line fuck them kids)
Steel- Excadrill (runner up: Lucario, Corviknight)
Fairy- Azumarill (runner up: Primarina, Mimikyu)
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